We are friends!

F is for Friend!

Our very first kindergarten collaborative project was working with a partner on completing an ABC poster.  Teams had to color, draw and label their poster to display on the wall for Grandparent’s Day!  Check them out when you’re hear for Parent/Teacher Conferences!  Could these students be any cuter?




Apples! Apples!

It just wouldn’t be the same without APPLES as we begin our autumn season on WI.  We spent the week learning about the various parts of an apple, enjoyed a STEM apple test and of course, tasted some as well!  I am so proud of my students for working together in their teams to see how many apples they could stack using tooth picks, play-dough and just apples!  So much communicating and cheering had to go on, along with some problem solving skills in order to figure out how to build the tallest tower!



Week of Faith with Sr. Margaret & Our Faith & Wellness Walk

Our third week of school was an exciting one!

Sister Margaret was our special guest reader.  She came to our class for the first time to read some fun Bible stories!  My students enjoyed meeting/seeing her and enjoyed the stories!


Our annual Faith & Wellness Walk was a big hit!  My students wore purple to represent their class and enjoyed walking with our 8th grade helper, Miss Grace.  Thank you to all of our parent volunteers for helping us on our walk!  It was a fun way to exercise and learn more about our faith.


Our First Fun Friday of 2019!

We welcomed our first Friday of the year with mass at church!  We met our 7th grade mass buddies too!  We also celebrated Our Most Holy Mary’s Birthday by inviting 1st grade to join us for some cupcake decorating!  We learned about Mary and how special she is because she was chosen to be Jesus’ mother.  We prayed a Hail Mary, talked about what a rosary is and sang Happy Birthday to Mary!









Thursday Favorites!

We explored more of our classroom today!  After morning snack, we took a brain break by dancing to some fun songs on the educational site, GoNoodle!  This is a favorite activity that my students look forward to each day!  We draw name sticks so everyone gets a turn to choose a video!


We had tons of fun learning how to use our classroom library!  We learned how to match the numbered book to the numbered bin.  We also got to fill our new reading bins with books for quiet time and a notebook for free drawing!  We enjoyed using these with our red “read-to-self” phones.  Reading is SUPER fun!



     We have lunch recess with 1st grade.  They even taught us how to play kickball!  


We really enjoyed reading and drawing during rest time on Thursday!  




Our First Day Adventures!

The first day of school is always so special!  New classroom, new friends and new routine!  The best thing about starting a new year is the eagerness to learn from each student!

When we arrived today, we tested out our morning work tubs!

After all 18 of us had arrived, we walked in line to the gym for our all-school welcome assembly!

Mr. Bell led us in some morning ice breakers to get everyone talking.  We also said our Living the Word Prayer and the Pledge!

One of our favorite things about our classroom is that we get our very own drinking fountain!

Next we met 1st grade outside to learn all about playground rules!




After spending the morning learning all about our school and classroom, it was time to take a break and play!

Lunch time!  I’m sure you can imagine how hungry we were by lunch time?  Everyone did a great job following directions.

Mrs. Wagner ate lunch with us too!

We practiced using our flexible seating to work on name packets!  We did an awesome job and loved all of the choices we had!


Outdoor Classroom Day!

Happy National Outdoor Classroom Day 2018!  We had a BLAST playing and learning in the great outdoors!  Many of my students asked if we could just permanently move our classroom outside!  We started our day of learning by setting up our space in the “quiet area” portion of our playground.  It was a nice area in the grass that had quite a bit of shade.  Once we set up camp, we played with our new bubble wands.  While creating bubbles, we talked about buoyancy and why bubbles float?  We had snack around a giant picnic blanket and re-read our Easter season story from the Bible of “Breakfast with Jesus.”  We thanked Jesus for creating us and our beautiful world!  The afternoon was spent playing group games, singing songs, journaling about the great outdoors, practicing yoga, and painting and creating a fairy garden world.  I think one of the highlights was feeding our pet guinea pigs dandelions and making flower crowns!

We were so thankful for a beautiful, sunny day!  Life.  Is.  Good.