Outdoor Classroom Day!

Happy National Outdoor Classroom Day 2018!  We had a BLAST playing and learning in the great outdoors!  Many of my students asked if we could just permanently move our classroom outside!  We started our day of learning by setting up our space in the “quiet area” portion of our playground.  It was a nice area in the grass that had quite a bit of shade.  Once we set up camp, we played with our new bubble wands.  While creating bubbles, we talked about buoyancy and why bubbles float?  We had snack around a giant picnic blanket and re-read our Easter season story from the Bible of “Breakfast with Jesus.”  We thanked Jesus for creating us and our beautiful world!  The afternoon was spent playing group games, singing songs, journaling about the great outdoors, practicing yoga, and painting and creating a fairy garden world.  I think one of the highlights was feeding our pet guinea pigs dandelions and making flower crowns!

We were so thankful for a beautiful, sunny day!  Life.  Is.  Good.