We Give Thanks!

Last Friday we spent some time after mass in our Spirit Families making cards for the American Legion Color Guard for serving at our school Veteran’s Day Remembrance assembly.


Our sweet little helpers after 8:30AM Mass on Sunday encouraging parishioners to come downstairs for some donuts and coffee!


We had wonderful servers!


Check out our wall right outside of our classroom before December 1st!  We have so much to be thankful for!


Elections and All-Saint’s Day!

What better way to learn about elections and the voting process than to play it?  We have our very own voting booth in our classroom that the kids LOVE to use!  We make a daily list of what kids would like to vote on (pizza, kittens, sports, music, candy, etc) that I write on the board.  They print what they would like to vote on, on their ballot and then mark which one.  I’m sure you’ve seen the “voting stickers” each child has been collecting.


We did it!  We voted in our school election!  Our class theme for this activity was to show kindness and respect.  The kids did a great job with this and even reminded some older students to be respectful.

Waiting in line to vote


After voting showing their “I Voted” wristband!


November 1st was All-Saint’s Day.  We have a saint game board that we have been using to learn about saints.  Each day we draw an object and have to match it with the saint it belongs to.  We have learned so much!  During free choice and prayer time, the kids are able to use the board as a matching game
